Nghiên Cứu

Ấn Phẩm Mới Xuất Bản

Tran, Giao Quynh (2021). Interpreting expletives in cross-cultural interaction in court. Language and Communication 77, March 2021, pp. 1 - 4.

Đọc giả có thể xem ấn phẩm này tại:

Công trình nghiên cứu này được tài trợ toàn phần bởi Công ty Thông và Biên dịch kiêm Trường Ngoại ngữ và Đào tạo Thông và Biên dịch viên Elite Interpreters, Translators & Teachers (ELITE ITT). Công trình này được xuất bản bởi nhà xuất bản Elsevier tại Oxford, Anh. Khi phiên bản trực tuyến của ấn phẩm này được Elsevier xuất bản trên ScienceDirect vào ngày 29/12/2020, ELITE ITT đã cung cấp đường dẫn khác tại đây cho phép đọc giả xem miễn phí ấn phẩm này trong vòng 50 ngày cho đến ngày 17/2/2021. Phiên bản in của ấn phẩm này được phát hành vào ngày 26/2/2021.

Các Ấn Phẩm Đã Xuất Bản


Tran, Giao Quynh (2006). The Nature and Conditions of Pragmatic and Discourse Transfer in Cross-cultural Interaction Investigated through Naturalized Role-play. Muenchen: Lincom Europa.

Pham, Thao Xuan & Tran, Giao Quynh (1996). Practising reading and translating British and American newspapers. Dong Nai, Vietnam: Dong Nai Publisher.

Bài Báo Điển Hình

Tran, Giao Quynh (2019, June 28). Luyện thi CCL hoặc lấy chứng chỉ hành nghề ở Úc [CCL or certification test training in Australia]. Việt Luận [The Vietnamese Herald], p. 12. Available at: or

Các Công Trình Nghiên Cứu Được Xuất Bản Trên Các Tạp Chí Chuyên Ngành

Tran, Giao Quynh (2021). Interpreting expletives in cross-cultural interaction in court. Language and Communication 77, March 2021, pp. 1 - 4.

Đường dẫn để xem phiên bản trực tuyến của ấn phẩm này:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2018). Interpreters and lawyers: Why we must work together for better outcomes. Law Society Journal, April 2018, Issue 43, pp. 86-87. Available at:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2010). Replying to compliments in English and Vietnamese. The International Journal of Language, Society and Culture, (30): 104-130. Available at:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2008). Pragmatic and discourse transfer of combination of compliment response strategies in second language learning and usage. Asian EFL Journal, 10(2): 7-30. Available at: Paper URL:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2007). Compliment Response Continuum Hypothesis. The International Journal of Language, Society and Culture, (21). Available at:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2007). The Nature of pragmatic and discourse transfer in compliment responses in cross-cultural interaction. The Linguistics Journal, 2(3): 167-205. Available at:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2007). Pedagogical implications of findings about pragmatic and discourse transfer for second language teachers and learners. English.Edu: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(2): 143-158.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2006). The Naturalized Role-play: An Innovative methodology in cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics research. Reflections on English Language Teaching, 5(2): 1-24. Available at: Paper URL:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2005). Oral error treatment. In G. Ernst, A. Hurley & K. Sutton (Eds.), Contexts, contacts & constraints (pp. 85-97). Melbourne: School of Languages, The University of Melbourne.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2004). Terminology in interlanguage pragmatics. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 143-144: 109-120.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2004). Revisioning methodologies in cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics. English.Edu: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(1): 25-49.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2004). Factors interacting with pragmatic and discourse transfer in second language acquisition. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 4(2): 77-88.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). Overlaps in talk in interaction. English.Edu: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(2): 176-195.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). Transfer and universality in interlanguage pragmatics. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 3 (1): 42-56.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). Pragmatics at a glance. English.Edu: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2 (1): 1-12.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Pragmatic and discourse markedness hypothesis. In P. Collins & M. Amberber (eds.), Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society Available at: Paper URL:

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). The English articles. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 1 (1): 31-44.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Accents of English. English.Edu: Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1 (2): 347-354.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Pragmatic and discourse transfer in complaining. Melbourne Papers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 2 (2): 71-97.

Các Bài Diễn Thuyết

Tran, Giao Quynh (Grace) (2018). The Role of interpreters in legal proceedings. Presentation broadcast on Bench TV at 4:50pm, 15 November 2018.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2017). Court interpreting. Presentation at AUSIT in a full-day workshop at the University of New South Wales on 10/6/17 and demonstration of court interpreting for AUSIT workshop participants in a half-day tour of courts in Sydney on 16/6/2017.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2004). An Innovative approach to cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics research using Naturalized Role-play. Paper presented at the 2004 American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, Oregon, 1-4 May 2004. [This paper was presented with the honor of the Solidarity Award from the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)]

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). The Naturalized Role-play: A Different methodology in cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics. Paper presented at the Research Methods in Interlanguage Pragmatics Workshop, the University of Melbourne, 19 February 2003.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). A Cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics study of compliment responses. Paper presented at the 28 th Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Brisbane Hilton and Griffith University Southbank, 12-14 July 2003.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). The Naturalized Role-play: An Innovative methodology in cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics. Paper presented at the 2003 Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Newcastle University, 26-28 September 2003.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2003). Oral error treatment. Paper presented at The School of Languages Postgraduate Conference- Incorporating Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, The University of Melbourne, 31 October - 1 November 2003.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Pragmatic and Discourse Markedness Hypothesis. Paper presented at the 2002 Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference at Macquarie University, Sydney, 13-14 July 2002.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Factors interacting with pragmatic and discourse transfer in second language acquisition. Paper presented at the 27 th Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Macquarie University, Sydney, 12-14 July, 2002.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Transfer and universality in interlanguage pragmatics. Paper presented at The School of Languages Postgraduate Conference- Incorporating Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, The University of Melbourne, 18- 19 October 2002.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2002). Revisioning methodologies in cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics research. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Humanities Postgraduate Research Conference- Liveable Communities, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, 7-8 November 2002.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2001). Pragmatic and discourse transfer. Paper presented at the University of Melbourne Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Conference, 21-22 September 2001.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2001). Pragmatic and discourse transfer in second language acquisition. Paper presented at the 2001 Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, 27-30 September 2001.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2001). Loss of sounds or overlapping of turns in talk in interaction. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Student Seminar: "Loss" - Faculty of Arts and The Ashworth Centre for Social Theory, the University of Melbourne, 12 October 2001.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2001). Language in a multicultural negotiation. Paper presented at the School of Languages Postgraduate Conference - "Fragments or Mosaic Language and Cultural Diversity in a Post-Babel World", the University of Melbourne, 13 Oct 2001.

Tran, Giao Quynh (2000). Pragmatic and discourse transfer in the speech act of complaining. Paper presented at the 14 th Annual International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning, University of Illinois at Champaign, IL, 13-15 April 2000.